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The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) is an independent 501c(3) non-profit ministry dedicated to upholding and re-affirming marriage, family, life and liberty in Illinois. Since 1992, IFI has worked to advance public policy initiatives consistent with Judeo-Christian teachings and traditions, educating citizens so that they can better influence their local communities and the state. IFI does not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. (See IFI’s Political Campaign Policy.)

IFI works within the state of Illinois to promote and defend Biblical truths to foster an environment where families can thrive and reach their full God-given potential to serve and glorify Him–making the most of the opportunities afforded to each of us by His gift of life and liberty.

To accomplish this goal, IFI works to educate Christians and the general public on matters of moral concern; to initiate, promote, encourage and coordinate activity designed to safeguard and advance public morality consistent with Biblical Christianity. While we are financially independent, our efforts are reinforced by our affiliation with the American Family Association (AFA) and our working relationship with other Christian ministries like the Liberty Council and the Alliance Defending Freedom as well as similar nationally and state-based ministries and organizations across the United States.

Social advocacy is a natural partner of evangelism. Christians are to be “Christ-like,” and are to speak the truth in love. Scripture compels us to be transformed into His likeness. Since Jesus went about “teaching and preaching” and “doing good and healing,” we should do likewise. A Biblical view of compassion for our neighbor demands it of us.

British theologian John Stott said, “Therefore if we truly love our neighbors, and because of their worth desire to serve them, we shall be concerned for their total welfare, the well-being of the soul, their body and the community. And our concern shall lead to practical programs….”

An overwhelming number of research studies over the past decade have proven that strong families composed of a mother and father in the home produce a healthier society. Similarly, a large body of social science data points to family decline as a major contributing factor behind of some of the most serious problems confronting Illinois and the nation.

IFI works to reduce these factors that threaten family stability and strives to create a political and social environment where families can thrive and prosper.

EDUCATE: Serving as a reliable source of information and analysis on issues that affect the family and traditional values

INSPIRE: Promoting the pro-family agenda in local councils, school boards, the media and Illinois General Assembly

ADVOCATE: Building strategic alliances and networks that promote programs and policies consistent with our mission

IFI Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the infallible, authoritative word of God and inerrant in its original autographs.

We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three Persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory, to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion.

We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.

We believe in the life everlasting for those who place their trust and faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.


IFI Statement on the Family

Because the family and even its very definition is under attack, the Illinois Family Institute is committed to encourage, defend, nurture, and uphold the traditional family in our society, primarily through research and education.

We affirm the family as that group of persons with whom we are linked as parents or children or siblings or spouses or kin– by birth, by adoption, or by marriage.

We deny that “family” includes two or more persons of the same or opposite sex who live together outside the institution of marriage whether for convenience or homosexuality or romance or experimentation or otherwise.

We believe that the family is the basic unit of society, created by God, consisting of either: a) one biological male and one biological female united in marriage; or b) a single parent with children. (Genesis 2:18-24; Malachi 2: 14-16; Matthew 19: 6-9; Hebrews 13:4; I Corinthians 6:18; 7:2, 10-16,39; Romans 1:24-29; Exodus 20:14,17)


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America is Still Worth Saving
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